Healthy teeth

Toothache is divided into:

  • Pain while eating something cold or hot.
  • Pain while eating candy.
  • Pain while biting
  • Pain with no cause
  • If the pain you have is of the first or second type, this means that there is a cavity that needs to be treated with a cosmetic filling.
  • If the pain is of the third type... This means that there is a crack in the tooth that needs to be treated, or there is inflammation in the gums and it can be treated by scaling.
  • If the pain is of the last this case, the nerve is inflamed and needs immediate treatment before it forms an abscess.

When Should You Make Your Child’s First Dentist Appointment?

You should visit the pediatric dentist when the child's first tooth appears at the age of 6 months to 12 months. 
This visit is to ensure the health of the teeth and to teach the mother how to take care of the child’s teeth to protect them from decay 

How do dental fillings last longer? 

  • Brush your teeth twice daily.
  • Stay away from coffee and tea.
  • Stay away from smoking.
  • Drink water instead of soft drinks.
  • Avoid eating solid foods.
  • Reduce sugar intake

Wisdom tooth didn't erupt in my mouth, should I remove it or leave it?

The answer to this question will depend on the panoramic x-ray which will show the position of the tooth. 
If it leans and compresses adjacent teeth or compresses the jaw nerve and causes pain, it must be removed immediately. 
If it does not cause any problem, we can leave it and do regular dental follow-up every 6 months. 

The magic of orthodontics

If there are gaps between the teeth, dental crowding, protrusion or retrusion of the upper jaw, open bite, or crossbite, all of these problems can be treated by orthodontics, if it is due to thumb sucking that may cause or worsen problems with bite and speech, this can be treated using special devices to treat this bad habit. 

Why do you make Snap On or Removable Hollywood Smile?

  • Because Snap On does not require filing your teeth
  • You can remove them at any time, your teeth are as they are, there is no change in them.
  • You can choose the shape and color of your snap on.
  • It does not cause any protrusion or distortion in your teeth because its thickness is only 0.5 mm.
  • You only need one visit to the dentist to take the impression.

After extractions, why you shouldn't delay getting dental implants?

Because teeth are not only important in chewing food and maintaining your appearance and pronunciation of words and letters, they also protect the jaw bones from the resorption that occurs after teeth extraction. 
The jaw bone is very important in the dental implant process. 

When should you change your toothbrush?

Every two or three months, or when distortion or a change appears in the shape of the brush bristles, or when the person suffers from a bacterial or viral infection, such as cold. 

How do you choose the right toothbrush?

Different types of toothbrushes can be used.

  • First, make sure to choose a small to medium head size so that it reaches all parts of the mouth, especially the back molars.
  • Second, the brush bristles should be Soft or medium so as not to harm the tooth enamel or gums, especially in the presence of infections.

What Causes Yellow Teeth?

There are many reasons such as excessive drinking of tea and coffee, smoking, and poor oral hygiene which causes the accumulation of layers of plaque and calculus, which leads to a change in the color of the teeth.

Are teeth whitening safe for teeth and not harmful as commonly believed?

Teeth whitening open the pores of the teeth to let out all the internal pigmentation, and this is done through a gel that is placed on the teeth. 
No filings will happen to teeth during whitening. 

What is a space maintainer for children?

In case of premature extraction of primary molars due to severe decay and before time of exfoliation by more than 8 months, we have to put space maintainer in the extraction space for the future permanent molar to erupt in correct place without deviation of adjacent teeth or space loss to avoid future orthodontic treatment.